Rating: **
Starring: Bruce Davison, Randall Batinkoff, Trevor Morgan
Back at my late high school years, my mum watched Fingerprints (2006), a movie about a mystery tied to an urban legend where ghost kids push cars to safety should the vehicle stall in the middle of some train tracks, leaving little creepy fingerprints behind as proof they were there. (Hence, Fingerprints) Knowing I'm a big horror junkie, she heartily recommended it to me, but me being more in touched with my nerdy side (and zombie flicks) at the time, I didn't think care about seeing a ghost movie as those are rarely scary and/or entertaining for me. (And they still rarely do) Out of respect, though, I told her I will try it and simply left the copy sit in my room to collect dusts until we sold it during one of our yearly garage sales.

(To be fair, it's not like I would have missed anything fun, though...)
In this film, four teenagers drive up to the titular road hoping to test out their local urban legend of helpful ghost tykes, while a duo of cops check their sleepy little town for an escaped killer priest who have done away six children some time ago. The further the night evening goes, the more the two plots slowly (and I mean slowly) coincide as the killer the cops are after may have found their way to the teens, now stranded and being picked off one by one.

And yet, this is exactly what this movie did; kids get too antsy being in the woods alone so one of them gets out to look for help while the others wait, only for another one of them to get antsy and going out on their own looking for help as well? Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Cops bust in a possible hideout to find something or someone else that isn't our killer, only to learn another possible place for them to start checking? Wash. Rinse. Repeat. It's not until the last act that the film finally got to go somewhere, but even by then, Munger Road (2011) fails to deliver anything spectacular with its dry-as-desert offcamera kills and an anti-climactic open ending that I'm sure is as good to happen as that promised Scalps (1983) sequel, Scalps II: The Return of DJ (spoiler alert, it never did!), a damn shame considering how much I wanted this movie to work.

While I don't dislike Munger Road (2011) for its good bits, its flaws are overwhelming and murk whatever positives this movie can offer. That said, can't really recommend it, but if you want to see it? Go for it, baby. It's your time you'll be wasting next...
1 female attacked, presumably killed
1 male killed offcamera, method unknown
1 skeleton found
1 male bludgeoned to death with a wrench offcamera
1 male mentioned hit by a truck
Total: 5
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