Rating: ****
Starring: Christine Haeberman, Allen Andrews, Mary LeGault
Do-it-yourself horror flicks are often notarized for their lack of production values and amateurish plots, but once in a while we get handmade gems like the Nailgun Massacre (1986), Truth or Dare: A Critical Madness (1986), and this, a mouthful of a title that is Murder Loves Killers Too.

What makes Murder a cut above other shot-on-video indie backwoods horror out there is its approach as, while majority of the slasher cliches are present (mainly the sex-starved idiotic teens, brutal killings and an impressive cat-and-mouse stalking sequence), it isn't shy on taking a few twists and turns no one could've saw coming. For one, its killer appears to be less of the usual grungy-looking wildman or mutated backwoods hick these kinds of slashers normally have and more of an actual guy renting a cabin. In fact, the way he, Big Stevie, dispose these teenagers looked more like some guy grudgingly and boringly doing a chore than a manic massacre, complete with morning robes and fluffy slippers.

This spree ends as soon as it started and we are then left with this awesome stalk-and-prowl set-piece before shifting entirely into a situation quite reminiscent of the original 1974 Toolbox Murders' last act, with Stevie giving some time to talk with one of these unfortunate kids about a matter not all slasher maniacs are so open to discuss. Normally, I would be disappointed, but his little pep talk on why he is doing all of this and the eventual odd curveball we're treated with is just so outrageous that I can't help but like all the weirdness out of it.

And to think you know your backwood slashers, here we get a real work of detail and tribute with a small dash of originality; Murder Loves Killers Too will definitely love to be a part of your collection and, too, for a whole lot of open-minded horror fanatics' out there!
1 female murdered offcamera
1 male drilled through the gut, disemboweled
1 male repeatedly knifed, head twisted to the back
1 female knifed on the gut then mouth
1 male bludgeoned with a crowbar, tongue torn off and shoved down his throat
Total: 5
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