Friday, October 28, 2011

Master, what do we do now?: Satan's Little Helper (2004)

Halloween's just around the corner and for me, it's gonna be a big deal. Since no one in my country (Philippines) takes Halloween seriously ('cept the little kiddies) all I could do is watch horror flicks, but I kinda do that everyday. I guess I could review some very essential Halloween Slashers out there. So let's see today's meat!

Satan's Little Helper (2004)
Starring: Alexander Brickel, Katheryn Winnick and Stephen Graham

All young Douglas "Dougie" Whooly wanted for this Halloween is to spend time with his mum, his big sister, and "Satan". More precisely, a video game version of Satan which he grew fond of. But when neighborhood bullies are picking on him and his sister brings along a boyfriend she made during her stay at campus, Dougie's would-be-best-Halloween is starting to fall into ruins.

Or so until "Satan", a serial killer in disguise, comes along; mistaking the man for his video game idol and together, Dougie befriends the fiend and the two g on a mischievous (and murderous) misadventures as Halloween night becomes their oyster. But how long will the charade run before things go out of hand and, by then, will it be too late to stop "Satan"?

Perhaps a better effort of merging dark comedy and slasher theatrics altogether, Satan's Little Helper (2004) crafts its funnies by giving us a barrage of dumb-butt characters who have zero IQs and a gullibility that's beyond believable, further twisting the knife at our funny bones with by poking fun at political correctness and tackling a lot of taboos such as poisoning children, endangering pregnant women, some home invasion (though, in here, he was more "invited" than invading), some death to elderly folks and even mockery of religious imagery.

At times, the jokes land and the mayhem is as shocking as ever despite the production's low budget. They even provide us a cleverly devilish and simple psycho who's as mysterious and silent as Halloween's Michael Myers and as playful as Child's Play's Chucky. In short, Satan's Little Helper (2004) deserves its cult status, but not without its own set of small faults.

While the first half concentrates on the adventures Dougie have with "Satan", the second half starts when "Satan" got too excited with his murdering spree and killed Dougie's dad, right in front of the whole family; it's then that the family knew he's actually a maniac on the loose and they'll try everything to stop him from further building a bodycount. While it does still some funny moments of the darkly grim variety, the shift in tone in undeniable seeing the plot shift from deadly misunderstandings and twisted childhood whimsy, to stopping a mad killer from taking more lives. Plus, the ending simply felt like a cheat, as there's really no conclusion to it all, but considering the tone of the story, it's still somewhat acceptable in the sense that you'll take anything just to end it. Still, overlooking these along with a little scripting issues, and some plot holes (Like the unusual feat that one ordinary man managed to kill off every law enforcers in town), Satan's Little Helper (2004) is, again, a serviceable monster that's as good as a shlocky, sloppy slasher can get.

As a black comedy, Satan's Little Helper (2004) has the heart and joy of Halloween mischief with a bodycount, making a good impression as a holiday slasher. One worthy Halloween flick that delivers the treats!

1 female seen with throat slit
1 male seen with a knife stabbed to his chest
1 male knifed on the gut
1 elderly female hanged
1 female had her head bashed repeatedly to the wall
1 male disemboweled with knife
1 male seen bagged on the head and strangled with phone cord
1 male seen bagged on the head
2 male found with bagged heads
1 male and 1 female poisoned
1 male shot repeatedly
1 male stabbed to death
1 male murdered, uniform seen
Total: 15

Oh, hey J.C.! Listen, it's not like I don't like Christmas anymore,
it's just that I prefer something less commercial...


  1. Terrific review! I wasn't sure what I was going to think about this one when I sat down with it - but I really enjoyed it! And that last caption on that last picture is hilarious! Cheers!

    1. Haha! it's funny cuz it's true! haha...really. =_=
