Rating: 1/2
Starring: Emilia Richeson, Ariel Teal Toombs and Frankie Frain
Oops, I did it again.
For the record, I've been experimenting on whether Troma releases are all bad and so far, I did find some awesome releases from them, like their classic Mothers Day (1980), The Last Horror Film (1982), Dead Dudes in the House (1991) and Blood Hook (1986). Then there are the weird ones like Beware! Children at Play! (1989), Klown Kamp Massacre (2010) and Fathers Day (2011), while the rest I've seen, like Graduation Day (1981) and Zombie Island Massacre (1984), are utter shit. No offense.
And now this little wanker comes along.

Opening on a night at some time in 1985, sexually repressed Ginny finds herself harassed by her boyfriend who keeps yearning for a blowjob and, no soon after, gets attacked by a mad clown who's axing away with some bad puns. She manages to persecute her attacker with an axe to the chest, only to horribly learn that the clown was her boyfriend.
A year later, Ginny is now undergoing therapy since her late ex-boyfriend wasn't the only psycho in her life; her dad was a known serial killer and the pressure of having two loved ones as deranged murderers isn't helping her social life. By luck (I think), she's invited for a sleepover by three of her socialite classmates to help her get over her traumas. But what they didn't know is that their night of partying will be invaded by around 30 or more slasher villains, each with their own themes and costumes. Who will live and die is basically the question here, but same goes to who can be trusted?
Well, if you want my answer, this whole effin' movie. That's who not to trust. In a sense, it did deliver what it promised; thirty to forty psychos in weird disguises killing everybody, including themselves. But in usual Troma fashion, it's all camp. Too much camp.
Again, the singing tumor of my life named regret have made a deadly comeback as I watch this movie from beginning to end, enduring one awfully unfunny "funny" scene to another, save two: the entire slasher army tries to even out their share of the kill, seeing there's two victims left and there's 30 them, and the scene involving a mime slasher getting finger banged, literally. Aside from that, the rest of the humor centers more on sex jokes and breaking basic logic and, even though I can enjoy awful movies like Thankskilling (2008), Dear God No! (2011) and even Last Caress (2010), I simply find Psycho Sleepover (2008) overdoing the cheesiness of the jokes and ruining it all with all these attempts to be "fun". If you barrage an entire film with annoying characters, intentionally bad acting and no sense of plot direction whatsoever, then you might as well just dwell in your own puke cuz the feeling's all the same.
Now, I apologize to all Troma fans out there who love this movie; I know there are plenty of you seeing how strong the fan base of this studio is and I'm pretty sure a good number of you reading this are sharpening their pitchforks to shove it right up my arse, but really? You guys can love a film this crazy? It's around an hour and 17 minutes but for me, it felt like a whole day of getting beaten with a wet fish. And I do NOT like being slapped around with a wet fish!

1 male hacked with an axe
1 male hit with an axe (dream)
1 female gutted with a knife (dream)
1 male killed offscreen
1 male knifed
1 male beaten to death with a long drillbit
1 female had her throat cut with a knife
1 male gets an axe to the head, heart pulled out
1 male killed, found deboned
1 female had her face ripped off
1 male gets a dildo through the arse, exits to groin
1 male had his neck crushed
1 male shot himself in the head
1 female gets a machete through the chest
1 male had his neck crushed with a stick
1 male (mime) shot on the chest with a (literal) "hand gun"
1 male had his neck broken
1 male decapitated with a machete
1 male shot
1 male knifed to death
1 female brained with a wrench
1 female shot
1 female knifed to death
1 male had his neck sliced with a machete
1 male hacked with an axe
1 male gets a knife to the groin
1 female shot on the head
1 male had his throat cut with a knife
1 female pounded to death
1 sock puppet gets a knife through the "mouth"
1 male had his head stomped
1 male shot
1 male shot
1 female had her throat cut with a knife
1 female had her head blown off with a shotgun
Total: 35